Friday 15 March 2013

Finally getting on a diet

So for a long time now, closer to two years, I have been gaining weight.
It has been due to working 16 hour days and just getting lazy.

The last time I lost weight, I photographed everything I ate, so I'm going back to it to keep myself accountable.

Today started with a decadent bowl of brown rice porridge, a banana, half a cup of blackberries and a few pecans.

Today was my day off from with so I spent it at my best friend's house. I haven't made anything for him in a while so I decided to make my special Greek salad. It requires me to chop everything really small so I can't pick out anything.

He had bought me a bar of chocolate, my absolute favourite, green and black butterscotch. So I had a few chunks of that. Maybe 20g.

Dinner was a giant chunk of monkfish with chilli and garlic, an unpictured steamed artichoke and some of the strange looking cake below.

Now annoyingly I am in bed due to starting work at 8am tomorrow.
